Hi, I'm Anna.

I help new and early-career product managers level up their skills so they can grow and become successful product managers.

Find the Right Customers

Not sure who the right customer is to focus on? That's okay. I'll help you decide which customer segments to focus on and what pieces of your product resonate with your market.

Get the team performing

Organizing a high performing team can be difficult. I'll help you get the right rhythms in place to get the team moving in the right direction and build the stakeholder trust you need to thrive.

Find business and customer wins

Meeting customer needs and business needs at the same time is critical to growing your product. I'll help find the right opportunities to focus on.

Grow your Relationships at Work

It's tough to maintain and grow relationships at work while navigating a competitive environment and politics.

Want to chat?

Fill out the form and I'll be in touch.

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